Friday, April 1, 2011

Our Digital Camera

We are learning how to use our class digital camera.

We started by talking about all the parts of the camera with a buddy after looking at some giant photos of our digital camera. Then we did a think-pair-share activity and told some other people in our class what we thought the parts of the camera were. When we discussed them as a class and we labelled them in yellow on our 'big camera'.

Next, we talked about what the different parts of the camera did and why they were important. We labelled these in blue on our 'big camera'.

We know that:

  • You shouldn't put your fingers near the lens as it is the 'eye' of the camera
  • You can press the 'playback' button if you want to look at your photos
  • The zoom button can help you to see something closer up
  • There is a button to switch between taking photos and movies on our camera
  • We need to put the lanyard around our neck when using the digital camera.

Here are some photos of everything we learned:

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