Friday, May 13, 2011

Discovery Time - Thinking K4S

Today was our very first session of Discovery Time.
Today we were focusing on the Thinking part of the K4S and our session was all about Making Connections.

These were the activities Rachel set up for us:
  • Play-doh
  • Big Blocks
  • Puzzles
  • Toys
  • Crazy Caterpillar
  • Brain Teasers

We got to choose which activities we worked at. We had to keep the K4S of thinking in our head the whole time. We had to think about how we were doing the activity and what else we could do. We got to do as many activities as we liked.

"My favourite activity was big blocks. I had to think about how to make a kingdom" - Fynn

"I liked doing play-doh. I had to think about what I was going to make" - Callum

"I liked playing with the toys. I had to think about what they would say to each other" - Devansh

"I liked doing the crazy caterpillar. I had to think about carefully putting the marble on his hands" - Maria

"I liked the puzzles because they were fun. I had to think about which piece would go in the right place" - Regan

To learn more about Discovery Time, take a look here

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THANKS, FROM ROOM 5 & Rachel :)